So, it's just after midnight, I've downed a generous portion of Ny*Quil to battle my annoying cold, and I'm trying to figure out the ins and outs of blogging. Maybe this wasn't the best time of night to tackle a new format for reaching out to my readers, but I'll try to do my best.
For those of you who don't know me very well, my name is John Yeo Jr. I'm the relatively unknown author of MAMA SAUVETERRE'S CURIOSITY SHOPPE and THE KING'S TOURNAMENT. I'm starting this blog to keep my creative juices going, touch base with folks who might be kind enough to follow me, and to just talk about matters of import. Well, matter of import to me, anyway.
I don't know much about sports or cars, and I don't like to spend a lot of time discussing, criticizing or defending religion or politics. What we will talk about in this blog are books, opinions about movies, theories about Star Wars, comics, the trials and tribulations of raising a child, sex and relationship topics, wild stories at my day job at the casino, answering questions you might have, or venting about things that piss me off.
But for now, the Ny*Quil is starting to kick in, and I think I'm going to need to lie down for a bit. But I will try to visit at least twice a week and have something interesting to say. Hope you're staying warm, staying safe, and having a great weekend.
- John Y
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