Today, let’s talk about one of the great philosophical
debates that many of us wrestle with on a daily basis. I’m not talking about minor trifles like what
is the best moral system, or can we really experience anything objectively, or
even if there is a God? I’m talking,
obviously, about that greatest of all philosophical dilemmas.
What order should I watch the Star Wars movies in?
It was a little easier to choose a few years ago, when there
were only six movies in the saga. But now that Lucasfilm has been purchased by
Disney and a new Star Wars movie is going to roll out annually, it gets more
complicated. I get asked by others my opinion about what order they should
watch the saga for the first time. Like my opinion matters, but I appreciate
your trust in my opinion. Just as well,
since I’ll be forcing my daughter to watch them with me, I’ve actually given
the matter a lot of thought.
Now, just in case you’ve never seen this legendary series of
movies before----with it’s space ships and robots and jedi knights and imperial
stormtroopers and aliens and pirates and glasses of blue milk----I’m going to
do my very best not to spoil anything for you.
Here’s is the original release order:
1. Star Wars (Episode
IV: A New Hope) - 1977
2. The Empire Strikes
Back (Episode V) – 1980
3. Return of the Jedi
(Episode VI) – 1983
4. Star Wars Episode
I: The Phantom Menace – 1999
5. Star Wars Episode
II: Attack of the Clones – 2002
6. Star Wars Episode
III: Revenge of the Sith – 2005
7. Star Wars (Episode
VII): The Force Awakens – 2015
8. Star Wars: Rogue
One – 2016
Okay, technically, the three-part pilot for the CLONE WARS
animated series was released as a
theatrical film. And even though it’s in canon, let’s not complicate this
discussion further by including that one.
Let’s stick to the live-action films, shall we?
So what do we have here?
(Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi)
These are, obviously, the first and the greatest of the
entire saga. If you were going to decide
that you only have the patience to watch only three of these movies, these
would be the three to watch. When it first appeared on the scene, audiences
had never seen a film as audacious and expensive looking as Star Wars. (At least, not in the science-fiction
genre.) A rag-tag collection of rebels
against a cruel empire, aliens, droids, a pirate, a princess, and an old wizard
introducing us to something called The Force.
I’m so thankful I was a child in the seventies!
THE PREQUEL TRILOGY (Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones,
Revenge of the Sith)
The prequels get a lot of hate, especially when compared to
the classic trilogy. If you ask me,
they’re still great movies. Hey, it’s still Star Wars. But there’s no
questioning that they aren’t as good as the original films. They’re flawed by wooden dialogue and stiff
acting, and the romantic scenes are just painful to watch. Seriously, watching Anakin and Padme roll
around by the digital cows on Naboo is just excruciating. But Ewan McGregor just
kills it as the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, you get fierce lightsaber battles that
the original trilogy has none of, full-scale war sequences that are just
popcorn-munching fun, and you get to see Yoda throw down.
(The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and whatever Episode 9 is going to be
These is the current trilogy of films. Will it be just as good as the original
trilogy? Obviously, it’s too early to tell. But it’s off to a hella good start
with THE FORCE AWAKENS. At least the
placement of when to watch these is pretty obvious.
The Star Wars Anthology stories are separate from the major
trilogies, and are just intended to tell specific stories that begin and end in
one easy film. Okay, actually, it’s a
way to make a bit more money as some of us slavishly wait those two long years
between chapters. But as long as they’re
as cool as ROGUE ONE was, you won’t
hear any of us complaining.
So let’s talk about it.
Which is the best way to watch these movies? You’ve got three choices really, and it
depends on your tastes.
Rogue One, 4, 5, 6, 7
By this, I mean watching them in the order of when they take place, not in the order of when they were theatrically released. You'd watch the Prequel trilogy first, Rogue One, then the classic trilogy.
If you’ve already watched all of the Star Wars movies
before, I actually think this is the best way to re-watch the series the next
time you’re in the mood for a marathon. The
drama and stakes rise and fall nicely, and it makes for an enjoyable saga.
But if you’ve
never seen any of these films before, believe me, this ain’t the way to watch them. Among many other reasons, there is a massive
reveal towards the end of EPISODE V: THE
spoil it in case you’ve been living under a rock. But it rocked the world in 1980 when the
truth about who killed Luke’s father was revealed, and fanboys everywhere just
lost their shit.
The point is, if
you watch episodes 1, 2 and 3 first?
You’re already going to know this big reveal before it happens. And a lot of things in the
original trilogy will lose its dramatic impact because you saw what happened
along the way. Do yourself a favor and enjoy it like the rest of us did. Try one of the other options instead….
THEATRICAL RELEASE ORDER - 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, Rogue One
Even though the chapters are in a mixed order, this is a great call. As long as you don’t mind jumping back
and forth around the time line, it’s a just a rewarding way to watch it. You’ll be enjoying it like the rest of us
fans did, without having any surprises ruined, and still bypassing the two to
fifteen year wait between episodes that we had to endure. Each new movie adds on layers that you fully appreciate from seeing the previous movies, and you really can't go wrong.
But my personal opinion? If you really want a great experience, and you only plan
to watch the movies once, and if you’re brave enough, I like to suggest what’s
come to be known as the Machete Order.
Or, as I call it, the Quentin Tarantino order.
Rogue One, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
You begin with the recently released ROGUE ONE. It’s a phenomenal movie, and it doesn’t ruin
anything. It's an enjoyable prologue that feels very different in theme and presentation than any of the movies. Plus, it just neatly and smoothly leads into the original STAR WARS
Then, you have STAR WARS and EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, possibly
the greatest films in the series. They
end on a stunning cliffhanger, and you’re left wondering how the hell will
any of our heroes have a happy ending?
Then, if you don’t mind interrupting the narrative flow a
bit, watch the Prequel Trilogy. Just
treat the prequel trilogy like an extended flashback sequence, giving us a bit
more insight into Darth Vader…and especially, the Emperor. The surprises of EMPIRE STRIKES BACK won't be ruined by watching the prequels at this point.
Then you’re ready for RETURN OF THE JEDI, which brings the
original saga to a close.
After that, you’re free to go on to STAR WAR: THE FORCE
AWAKENS, which takes place 30 years later.
I realize that I’ll have to amend this when the Han Solo
movie comes out in 2018,
But at least we safely know when to watch Star Wars Episode
VII: The Last Jedi when it comes out at Christmas. So, if you’ll pass me the popcorn (or better
yet, some of your opinions?) I’m going to camp out in front of Best Buy and
wait for ROGUE ONE to get released. May
the Force be with you all!
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John Yeo Jr. is the author of Mama Sauveterre's Curiosity Shoppe, and The King's Tournament. Both of his books are available at Amazon. His new book, The Infinite League, will be available in October 2017.
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John Yeo Jr. is the author of Mama Sauveterre's Curiosity Shoppe, and The King's Tournament. Both of his books are available at Amazon. His new book, The Infinite League, will be available in October 2017.